Monday, January 30, 2012

About this blog.

It's that time of the year again, and because I'm a junior it's more prevalent now than ever: the onslaught of "study abroad blogs" with cute names like "Jen Eats China" or "Jen's Going to Canada, eh?"

I've tried the "study abroad blog" thing too, but despite the best of intentions (and we all know what they say about those), I have always ultimately failed.

So, I thought to myself, as a recent study abroad returnee I should do something a bit different.

You see, everyone goes on these "life changing" study abroad tours during college (or maybe that's an AU anomaly). This semester, I have friends in London, Rome, Seoul and Beijing that all say the same thing: "Keep in touch!" But how many do? I know I didn't. I didn't have time to waste or want to spend time doing more than the bare minimum contact of keeping in touch beyond what was keeping me sane (ie, family & close friends).

After being back home for over a month, it hit me. What happens in the semester after? After the late nights partying, the alcohol you shouldn't have drank, the food you were dared to eat, the crazy trips you went on with friends that were too expensive, the guy you hooked up with but don't remember his name because you can't speak the language - what's next?

Am I living in a post-study abroad hangover of a semester? How am I different than before? What can I say I've learned?

This is my place to reflect on my personal "Semester After."

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